Warnings for new players:
At BLBR we value your safety first and foremost. If you’re a prospective member, you should be warned about some of the themes that appear or other common occurrences. These themes are of course explored with as much careful consideration as we can manage and many of them are tagged and spoilered in roleplay just for a measure of caution. For some of these themes, most of the mention of them is in regards to the recovery process after exposure to them. For example, the abuse theme is often in reference to backstory related abuse.
General horror, but specifically body, cosmic, psychological, and existential horror.
General dark fantasy
Blood, some gore
Mental Illness and trauma
Some themes of abuse
Death and loss
Out-of-Character Rules
As of April 2023, BLBR is becoming an 18+ roleplay. Our players have aged to or past that point, and any new players added from here on out will indeed follow that rule. Our content rules have not changed, NSFW is still not permitted at any point in the server. This rule was only altered because Koby, as the admin, has aged too with the roleplay and is more comfortable in a space of fellow adults. He teaches art classes, so having people aged under 16 means they might very well be young enough to be in his classes! Though not a bad thing, there's definitely a difference in how you might approach a space with minors vs a space with adults, and he prefers the latter for this particular community.
Real life always comes first and activity rules are lax here. I may check in on you after a long period (i.e. multiple months) of inactivity. If it has been a long time without any reply or many check ins in succession, you may be removed. Let staff know if you need a break. You may leave at any time for any reason. If you have been accepted to BLBR once, you are always free to return should you have left due to inactivity or IRL struggles. As we are in our last arc, some old players who no longer have time for the roleplay have been moved into a spectator role. Outsiders are not permitted as spectators.
Be kind to one another at all costs. If you have an issue with another member, please talk to staff about it. If harassment ever takes place, there will be a single warning and if it happens again you will be kicked.
Any transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sexism, racism, etc, will never at any point be permitted and may be an immediate ban based on severity.
No NSFW content permitted at any point.
Cursing is fine OOC and IC.
Gossip about people in or out of the group is discouraged and is one of the reasons we do not have a vent chat. This is not the place to discuss gossip or to address grievances. Also, being ignored or being left unacknowledged in a vent chat can be disheartening and spark negative feelings towards other group members. If you need to vent, you are welcome to ask for a listening ear or message Koby, who is always happy to help. However, the public BLBR chats are not the place for in depth venting. Complaints now and then are fine, though!
Don't link or reference by name any copyrighted, "free" anime/movie/etc upload sites ("kiss" websites, you know the ones), copyrighted dropbox/google drive links, torrents, et cetera. Even something like a "full movie" on youtube/vimeo or bootlegged material is dangerous. If you want to share those things, please keep it to the DMs!
In-Character Rules
Powerplaying is not allowed. Your character is not invincible and is expected to be roleplayed realistically. Injuries don’t heal in a day and sometimes a swipe won't land. Never hurt another character without permission, communicate with one another!
Warnings must be issued at the top for intense content (gore, death, etc.) NSFW content is never allowed.
I am flexible with cat designs. Fur colors must be in a natural range, but eye colors can be any color as long as you limit it to 1-2 in an eye. So sectoral heterochromia is fine, but rainbow eyes are not. I’m fine with unusual fur patterns. I’m also fine with Savannahs, Sphynxes, Devon Rexes, etc.
Please ask before joining other people’s RPs.
We use liquid time, so you can do multiple RPs at the same time with the same character.
Ask staff permission before doing big plots or making villains! We're always open, we just want to be in the loop. Most things are possible and we're willing to work with you if you want to see a specific plot done.
Current character limit is 5/player, and must be approved by staff before being introduced. Please use the new character form in the server.
LGBT+ cats are ALWAYS welcome. If you have an issue with that, BLBR is not for you.
If you receive a personal event, you have 3 options: have it happen in the public RP chats; keep it a private RP and treat it as entirely secret (no mention in ooc until it's revealed); or run it as a private RP and share it afterwards. I will ask which you prefer at the time, or recommend a specific method if I think it applies.
We will remind you every now and then to look over your current RPs. If an RP has gone 1 month+ without a response and no communication, it may be time to close it. We’d like to be better about keeping things fresh and keeping characters in the present, though we won’t force you! Use your best judgement when deciding to let a thread go. You can always continue these RPs later if they are closed.
This isn't so much a rule as it is a communication of boundary-- but be aware that BLBR focuses entirely on the Court! We do not have nor have plans to include or permit other clans or groups. If your cat exits the Court permanently, they do become an NPC in most cases.